Purdom ate a(n everything) bagel.

Tuesdays 9:30-12:30 next semester?

Start Jan. 26th.

Everyone should feel comfortable bringing lunches if it goes into 12:30.

1) Schedule for next couple weeks 2) Think about visualization of time in terms of what’s being tracked, goal of couple of approaches we might take in spring 3) What exactly we want to do for spring—single large project? 2 smaller? revisit annotated bibliography?

Essential elements of time—what are we trying to visualize? Or what kind of tool could visualize a variety of different types of data?

Dec. 17th finalize plan for spring project, set tentative agenda for first spring meeting

Jeremy & Purdom w/CSS/HTML stuff Ammon & Scott D3/Java

How to get away from timeline with visualization?

They’re back early Jan, can talk to Jeremy et al about thinking about website aesthetics & decision making about design choices

What is significant about time in our data sets? What part of time in that data do you think is significant to communicate? What do you want to share visually? What is it about the time that you want to visualize in some way? Visual arguments… Start thinking about talking as a group about the critical elements rather than data specific moments in individual tracking experience

Being careful about visualization structure both before and after content collection/analysis

Fred Gibbs—think about process of visualization creation, choices in manipulation of data etc.

Importance of vocabulary and dialect; history making visual arguments

Need to include documentation to lay out choices we made both as a model in moving forward/making our decisions transparent in terms of the why and the how we’re doing it—would need to scale project to be more modest to scale the time

Do we focus on data set that we choose or build tool that’s data agnostic?

Time as part of data set—variable trying to represent w/discrete data points, which will create timeline of some sort

Trying to not think about time as data itself/data to be represented, but think of it in more artistic manner—impressions, sensations, experiences that echo something that we’re trying to say about time

Time as tool to support some sort of user experience—data doesn’t have to include time?

instances—with experiences and joining a community—experiences moving forward in time and impacting those in and joining the community; time and distance

Rachel has amazing composition with instances of gun violence in US

Over next week use sketchbooks to experiment, draw, tinker, w/maybe concrete examples of what some of these things might look like—any level of development in sketches

Do we want more of exhibit and proof of concept for something that we have decided data for v tool for data—think about that —Slab staff to think about do-ability, scoping

Visualizations of time as means of prompting awareness/empathy; intentional uses of time, user experience

James—>Visualizing as we write—invisible girdles you can put on/remove from data as you go

James and Rachel to write cool blogs on their presentations, look forward to that :D —Books mentioned in praxis meetings as demo?

Annotated Bib.—Over the break, commit to making two annotations/annotated entries—APA—git hub repo in praxis account

Folder for compiling syllabi

Food stuff/snacks for next meeting!